Jumat, 30 September 2016

Kamis, 29 September 2016
Rabu, 28 September 2016
Boys Trip 2006 066
Originally uploaded by OzzyC.
After a hearty breakfast of beer and eggs, Greg and I were anxious to continue our experiment and to test our skill as sailors. We did a quick sail in the water immediately next to our camp site, and were soon satisfied that our boat and our skills were solid enough to venture further into the open water.
Being novice sailors, it took us a little bit of time and experimentation to learn the ropes, but we took great pleasure in the new experience... until we heart that first **CRACK**. I dont remember whether it was caused by shallow water, or by actual stress, but our leeboard mount broke. As this picture shows, the leeboard itself held up to the stress, but the frame wasnt quite as strong, flexible, or whatever.
Despite our hobbled watercraft, we were able to limp back to our campsite, which was upwind from us when the malfunction occurred, and fortunately Greg brought plenty of material for repairs. He pulled the leeboard mount and had soon fashioned a repair of glue and screws. On the downside, we had to wait for the glue to cure, so our sailing was finished for the day.
Stay tuned for our continued misadventures.
Selasa, 27 September 2016
Nail Art Galleries 10 | Nail Art Galleries
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Nail Art Galleries : Nail Art is one of the latest crazes among youngsters nowadays. They can pick or choose any design they want that suits...

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Nails Art Galleries Every woman who loves her body loves her nails too. Taking care of the nails is easy; a regularly done manicure and pedi...

Flower Nail Art Designs
Nail Art Galleries : Are you beautifully dressed and wearing your favourite make up? What about some nail design? You are not actually ready...

Nail Art Galleries 3
Nail Art Galleries : Manicures generally include shaping the nails, cuticle care, hand massage and polishing and giving a glossy finish to t...

Nail Art Galleries 5
Nail Art Galleries : Before you get to the creative part, you must first prepare to do your own nail designs. In other words, it is best to ...

Nail Art Galleries 7
Nail Art Galleries : Nail Art accessories are available in a wide variety, styles and colors. They can be broadly classified into Nail Art, ...

Nail Art Galleries 2
Nail Art Galleries : There are three Nail Art techniques that have really come into their own in the last year or so. These are known as Nai...

Nail Art Galleries 10
Nail Art Galleries : Well manicured and well groomed nails are always a strong indication of a persons personality and also reflect their s...

Bridal Nail Art Designs
Nail Art Galleries : Your wedding day will likely be the most important day in your life, or at least one of the most important days. Nail...

Hello Kitty Nail Art Design
Nail Art Galleries : Hello Kitty Nail Art Designs are handmade accessories. People are crazy about the Hello Kitty Nail Art Designs and th...

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A cool afternoon was spent at Sarles Marina where Mr. George introduce 5 of the participants in the boat building project to the Peace Canoe and many tools they will use through construction.
He specified the need for safety and then let all interested try out the Japanese saw. Finally, it was time to go into the wooden boat shop and warm up. While inside, owner Bill Donahue, showed the kids around and talked greatly about the restoration process from beginning to end.
This is what Jaquan thought about the afternoon, " I think it was very educational, because we learned about the tools well be using to build our Peace Canoe. I got to use the Japanese saw and I found it easy."
"We had so much fun as we were part of a demonstration that showed us how to use a Japanese saw," stated Maurice.
The Annapolis Maritime Museum and Box of Rain Foundation are thrilled to have George Smith leading this initiative. George shares a couple of his thoughts on the program. "Youth boat-building programs are about taking it to a new level. We want to see tools in our hands as we learn, build, and have fun, leading to life-tools of ingenuity and team work." George has enjoyed meeting participants of the program at both the SERC and Sarles afternoons, he believes there is a lot of potential in the group.
Boys Trip 2006 055
Originally uploaded by OzzyC.
When we got to the reservoir, we spent the first two hours or so assembling the catamaran. By the time we finished the construction, got to camp, set up the tent and ate, it was time to go to bed. Additionally, the maiden voyage from the landing to the island occurred on a day with almost no wind. We were able to make our way to the island, but it was slow going. Our real test would have to wait for another day.
Senin, 26 September 2016
Glassing the Hull 011
Originally uploaded by OzzyC.
Minggu, 25 September 2016
Even more taken when the sales attendant told me that because it was the last piece, it was 10 Euros!

Im been thinking what to do with it, and although I know that a dress should probably be the best and easier option, I almost NEVER wear dresses nor skirts.
So... Im trying to make a pattern and sew a pair of wide leg pants...
oh, boy this will be scary!
I havent draw a pattern forever...
Lets see how this will end... wish me luck!
xox, d.
Jumat, 23 September 2016
Then will wire up the bottom and the fun will begin with the goo.
The boat moves fine with two aboard and the 10 hp, although it no longer planes. But, with the horsepower restriction on most of our local lakes, I guess it is ok. I think a 25 hp would be about right for more open water. I am glad I went with the tiller version rather than a console, as fiddling with the motor and room for serious fishing is maximized.
I caught my first Northern Pike at 26". believe it or not, it is under the limit of 28". Will have to go back and try again in a few weeks. What a voracious predator. This fish had the rod doubled over for many minutes as I wrestled it aboard. With the low freeboard on the boat, landing a large fish without a net is no issue.
Yes, we both forgot our phones and cameras...go figure.
Kamis, 22 September 2016
You may remember in an earlier post that we had a couple of spots where the fiberglass didnt adhere to the plywood. Our initial plan was to drill small holes in these areas and fill them with epoxy. Greg changed his mind. Instead, he cut out these areas with a knife, and filled it with a mixture of epoxy and fiberglass filler. My camera batteries were dead, so I dont have any pics of this, but I will attempt to get some pics posted soon.
After the fiberglass filling, we did a little last-minute sanding, and laid fiberglass on one side. Weve now got about two-thirds of the exterior completely fiberglassed. We still have one side, and both transoms to do, but that should go relatively quick. Of course Ill post pictures.
Rabu, 21 September 2016
You may have noticed a lack of recent posts about our boat project, and if you think its because we havent done anything lately, youre right. You see, its almost time for our annual boyz trip pilgrimage. Every year over Memorial Day, Greg, two of our friends from high school and I go on an extended trip. The trips have varied tremendously over the years... sometimes we do long, self-contained downriver canoe trips, sometimes we do whitewater kayaking, occasionally more than the "core four" of us will go. Our trips have varied from three days to a week, and we have hit too many rivers to count. We started out taking these trips over Labor Day weekend, but changed to Memorial Day a few years back when we figured out that the water levels are generally higher this time of year.
This year, we will be travelling to
If youre interested in some of the history and stories from our various trips, here are a few links for you to check out
From earlier posts in this blog:
How it all Began; A Quick Sidenote:
A Well-Deserved Vacation
Pictures of the Canoes
From posts on my other blog:
Commemorating a Practical Joke
Almost There
Originally uploaded by OzzyC.
What you should notice in this picture is just how sharp weve cut the chines, how flat the boat is, and how patchy the boat looks now. (If you click on the picture, you will see a larger picture, complete with notes on the boat.)
Along the chines, you will see something that looks a little like mold. Greg did a fog coat of black spraypaint. The idea here is to do a very light hand sanding with a long sanding block. After this sanding, we will be able to identify the low spots. These low spots will be easily seen because the fog coat of black spraypaint will remain in the low areas, whereas the paint will have been sanded from the higher areas.
Feel free to click here if youd like an idea of how things looked before we built up the chines.

If you are new to making boats and all that, when you first begin reading a boat plan you might be a little lost. You might even think that boat building isnt easy. This is because they use shorthand and you will still be getting used to all the terms. However, it gets easier as you go.
Knowing what materials to use could make boat building seem tough. There are many choices and when you choose one material there might be all sorts of things that could fall in that category to use. You just have to know your stuff, but there are plenty of resources out there that can guide you.
The bigger the boat, the harder it will be. That is a given. Also, the more things you add to the boat the harder it will be. There are things like the hull and so forth that have to be calculated just right in order for you to fully finish and have a successful boat that you are proud of. Boat building can be a hobby and those who find it a hobby are the ones who dont find it as challenging to do. There is a lot to consider when building a boat and people learn quickly that it doesnt always have to be as complicated. Using resources and using practice can make it easier than you think. Is it hard or easy? Time will tell.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3000398
Senin, 19 September 2016
Nail Art Galleries 9 | Nail Art Galleries
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Nail Art Galleries : Nail Art is one of the latest crazes among youngsters nowadays. They can pick or choose any design they want that suits...

Nails Art Galleries
Nails Art Galleries Every woman who loves her body loves her nails too. Taking care of the nails is easy; a regularly done manicure and pedi...

Flower Nail Art Designs
Nail Art Galleries : Are you beautifully dressed and wearing your favourite make up? What about some nail design? You are not actually ready...

Nail Art Galleries 3
Nail Art Galleries : Manicures generally include shaping the nails, cuticle care, hand massage and polishing and giving a glossy finish to t...

Nail Art Galleries 5
Nail Art Galleries : Before you get to the creative part, you must first prepare to do your own nail designs. In other words, it is best to ...

Nail Art Galleries 7
Nail Art Galleries : Nail Art accessories are available in a wide variety, styles and colors. They can be broadly classified into Nail Art, ...

Nail Art Galleries 2
Nail Art Galleries : There are three Nail Art techniques that have really come into their own in the last year or so. These are known as Nai...

Nail Art Galleries 10
Nail Art Galleries : Well manicured and well groomed nails are always a strong indication of a persons personality and also reflect their s...

Bridal Nail Art Designs
Nail Art Galleries : Your wedding day will likely be the most important day in your life, or at least one of the most important days. Nail...

Hello Kitty Nail Art Design
Nail Art Galleries : Hello Kitty Nail Art Designs are handmade accessories. People are crazy about the Hello Kitty Nail Art Designs and th...

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