Kamis, 31 Maret 2016

Trimmed Transom
Originally uploaded by OzzyC.
Greg got the overhang trimmed from the front and rear transom, using a jigsaw. It looks a lot better now.
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Rabu, 30 Maret 2016

This is another t-shirt refashion made in my pre-blogging era: I made it at about the same time of this other ruffle tank top.

This one could go in the cute ruffles category, although the asymmetric ruffle and the randomness take some of the cuteness away ;)

What did I use? ... a grey basic tank top and ... leftovers. My favorite raw materials ;)
Im wearing it today with my eyelets shorts!

--> How to:

* make three strips of about 1-1/2" x 30" with some light mesh aqua and ruffle them
* place the ruffles around the neckline and the back in a way that wont follow the neckline (one of the ruffle is overlapped on the shoulder and looks like a long single piece)
* cut out lots of round shapes from some turquoise and light blue fabrics and lace, most are 3/4" diameter, some are bigger: theres no right or wrong, and sew it in random order overlapping here and there
* one piece of about 10" turquoise lace that I ruffled just a little and placed under the ruffle in the front.

Hope you like this easy way to spruce up a basic tank top in very little time (and using your bits of scraps!!)

xox, d.
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Our plan is that we do a little bit every week. So far, I think weve done something every weekend, but we havent posted after every weekends work, and the work definitely hasnt warranted a picture or video every week. This week is one where pictures, videos and long posts would definitely constitute overkill. Weve started building the construction frame, on which well actually set the boat frame and build the hull. Nothing too exciting. When the frame is completely constructed we will take more pics and do a video giving a thorough synopsis of whats been done and the labor involved. Stay tuned for further developments.
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Selasa, 29 Maret 2016

After the Next Round of Epoxy
Originally uploaded by OzzyC.
To help ensure a good bond in the area where we ran out of epoxy, we laid a slightly thicker layer of epoxy, then laid a sheet of plastic over the transition area, laid a piece of plywood over all of that, and weighted it down. From the transition point on, we epoxied as normal.
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Minggu, 27 Maret 2016

2 pages of 3" fiberglass tape are laid across each joint. They are offset by an inch to taper across the panel joint. Plastic is put between layers to keep it from sticking.   The clamps provide a little pressure to keep it all flat.

There is a heat lamp hanging above this assembly as it is a little cold in the basement.  I have on hand a gallon of West Resin and slow hardener.  It just involves a little patience and keeping things warm for a few hours. 

Net result was a strong sandable joint.  Will be carefull not to sand too deeply as that would defeat the purpose.  Just enough to "pretty it up" and leave a good surface to apply a light layer of fiberglass cloth to. 
I plan on using strippers cloth on the inside to protect the surface, and going with a 6 oz cloth on the exterior.  This worked well on the Work Skiff and left me with an easily maintained surface that is strong and durable.  I plan on trout fishing from this boat, so a surface that cleans well is essential. 

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Hatha yoga for better sleep-Dvd Yoga untuk mengatasi insomnia
Tidur pulas dan berkualitas sangat penting bagi kesehatan, kurangnya waktu tidur berarti berkurang pula waktu tubuh untuk meregenerasi sel-sel tubuh,mengakibatkan kekebalan tubuh menurun,mudah tersinggung,dan pikiran menjadi lelah sehingga mengurangi produktivitas dalam bekerja.Lebih buruk lagi, kurang tidur akan mempercepat proses penuaan.
Bagi Anda yang sering kurang tidur/ insomnia, disarankan untuk melakukan gerakan yoga agar tubuh lebih rileks sehingga tidur pun dapat lebih nyenyak.

Gerakan yoga yang merupakan akar dari pengobatan ayuverda ini mengombinasikan postur fisik, pernapasan, dan meditasi guna membantu agar pikiran dan tubuh menjadi rileks, selain beberapa benefit kesehatan lainnya seperti mengatasi tekanan darah tinggi dan depresi.
Diakui, stres memang berpengaruh pada kualitas tidur. Untuk itu, dalam hal ini yoga membantu dengan mengurangi tingkat stress sehingga tidur dapat lebih nyenyak dan sehat. Meski hanya sedikit penelitian yang mengemukakan bahwa yoga memiliki efek terhadap kualitas tidur, tapi berdasarkan penelitian terbaru diketahui pula bahwa yoga dapat mengatasi beberapa masalah tidur
Kekhawatiran hidup dan rutinitas kehidupan modern yang berlebihan. Hal ini  bisa menyebabkan seseorang sulit tidur atau disebut juga menderita insomnia.  Apabila anda mengalami hal ini, jangan kuatir dahulu, karena Yoga ini mungkin dapat membantu.
Untuk mereka yang kurang tidur atau insomnia berikut dvd video panduan yoga yang patut di coba.

Isi paket :
Hatha yoga for better sleep
Harga Rp 50.000.-

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Rabu, 23 Maret 2016

Finally.  A day with low humidity and no threat of rain.  I put on the interior paint today.  Light Grey, High Gloss from Kirbys.  They make a great paint that is a joy to work with.  I usually put a splash of Penetrol in the paint bucket to help it flow better on warm days.  I also sanded the exterior smooth to prep it for its final coat of Navy Blue.  Hope to do it tomorrow.

interior paint.  Kirbys light grey

On the motor front, the 9.9 with the mice has been donated to the mechanic who declared it dead in exchange for labor.  Found a newer 9.9 Evinrude (2001 model) that runs like a top.  It actually has a little more power than the older one.  I learned that Johnson and Evinrudes are rated at 7% more than their listed horsepower, while other motors deliver up to 7% less than their listed HP.  The government allows a 7% +/- allowance on HP ratings.  Interesting and explains why the old Diablo didnt get on plane with the Honda. 

Trailer is on its way.
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I hope to get a chance to post some photos of this.  but, need some daylight to do so. 

The winter cover (blue poly tarp) is not faring well.  The pitch on the top is not sufficient to shed the snow.  Therefore, I have begun the building of a new storage shed for the craft.  This will double as a buiding area when the weather improves.  I am going to put together a Simpson Bow Shed.  It really does not look too difficult to construct in relationship to actually building a boat, and the raw materials are not bad either using 1X3 strapping and 2X4s primarily. 

Off to the lumberyard.
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Selasa, 22 Maret 2016

means "ring around the rosie" in italian.
It is also the name of an Alessis collection.

yes, this tee refashion was inspired by... a tray.
Alessi round tray

This is not the first time that I took inspiration from some kind of design originally intended for the home and translated into something to wear. 
...and this is a great way to cover up several random blueberry (and raspberry too) spots on your t-shirt!

Get your patience ready, and cut out this guys shape out of an old even more messed out shirt about...  25 times. (mine is about 2-1/2" high and 1-3/4" wide)

Place the first ones on the spots and work around in circle, like they are holding hands. 
... and stitch with a contrasting thread.
Easy, peasy (but very boring indeed)

Just for fun, I left some of the "legs", "arms" and "heads" hanging passed by the hem of the shirt... just because.

I hand stitched all these little guys, but it can be done with a sewing machine, of course. But I do get anal OCD and like the hand stitch detail a lot better. Shame on me!!

xox, d.

will *<:) party here!
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Jumat, 18 Maret 2016

I finished the stem this morning, as I had it cut out in the woodshop at my High School.  The commercial grade 10" table saw made very quick work of this. 

stem from chunk of 2X4 mahogany.
? Then on to the forms and transom.  Had enough leftover mahogany in the garage for these parts. 

forms 2, 4, 9 (6 is under the bench)
This boat is pretty straightforward to build, and the shape is easy on the eyes.

transom, with mahogany frame and coated with epoxy (leftover from the batch, not wanting to waste it).
now taking a break as the bottom is getting the second side of the fiberglass butt joint.

4 gallons of water, a smooth board, plastic, and a heat lamp. works pretty good.
?These are the 6 6" oars.  The plans call for 7 footers, but this is what I happen to own.  Will sand these and apply new epoxy, varnish, leathers, etc.  The empty wine rack is a sad site.  No time to fill it with the boat being built. 
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We didnt paint any more this week because we were short of the 220 grit sandpaper needed for topcoats. So we did some more sanding and fairing on the port side. It was okay because we saw an immediate payoff, because there are progressively fewer spots to handle, and each spot is progressively smaller. Were hoping to have her painted and flipped sometime in December.
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Kamis, 17 Maret 2016

Shaved Hull
Originally uploaded by OzzyC.
Like I said in my last entry, this heats a killer. We started at around 7:30 and put in about 2 and a half hours. What did we accomplish? Unfortunately not too much.

When we did our test fit last weekend, we saw that the bottom panels were about two inches too wide. So this week we (actually it was just Greg) built a jig so we could draw a line along the hull without removing the sides that wed strapped on, and then we ran a circular saw along the length of the bottom panels and shaved off the extra. In short, we finished about 1/2 hour worth of work in about 2 and a half hours.
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Boat building has been one of the earliest forms of engineering and hobby as well. Most hobbyists prefer to build themselves a boat rather than buy. Why? Above all other reasons, it is simply because they take glory in calling their craft their own. What about you? Why build your own boat?

There can be several reasons why you better opt to build your own boat. First and foremost, you can take pride that you have built your own boat yourself. Seeing your boat from a skeleton state to a finished product is self-rewarding indeed. Of course do not boast. Just feel proud of it. There are things worth the pride, especially when it is something extraordinary.

By building your own boat, you can modify and add whatever customization which you may want. Make prime manifestations of your creativity by incorporating your own design to your own boat. There will be no pressure as to what designs you are to put. Feel free, its yours. Your imagination is the limit. Make your boat show who you really are; apply designs that you really want; and dont just rely on the designs that can be offered by some craftsmen.

Building your own boat is at your advantage when we talk about time. There is no need to be pressured on the time frame. Do things at your own pace at your own time. If you want modifications from time to time, take the liberty of doing such. You dont have to get bothered about racing dues as to completing and moving on the next tasks. The best thing about it is that your boats quality wont be compromised like when it is done in a commercial place. Sometimes, doing boats in a rush makes low output quality.

Build your own boat so you can grow and become an expert of it. Try to learn from the experts and apply it to your own boat. Learn from others and your mistakes. From there, develop your own techniques so you can do it your own way. Modifications are of course for the better. Try to improve the time required in doing some parts, or try to improve mechanisms for improved quality. You can use alternative materials to improve durability of your boat too.

Always remember that building your own boat doesnt encourage building it by yourself alone. Of course youll need help once in a while. Building your own boat means you make the output as you please. You can hire craftsmen to do the labor work. The most important thing in here is that it is done as you pleased, as you designed it to be.

If you would like to get your hands on professional yet easy to follow boat plans, plans 4 boats supply you with over 200 diverse boat plans and designs that are suitable for all levels of boat builder and also the plans cover all the elements you need to have the job done fast.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5850644
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I was hoping that wed be able to spend Saturday or Sunday working on the boat, and that we could spend a marathon day over the 4th of July weekend. But alas, that wasnt in the cards.

Greg was out of town Saturday and most of Sunday last weekend, and hes got plans next weekend too. By the time we get back to the boat work, we will have gone six weeks with out any significant progress. While our goal was to put in one good day per week, and we realized that wed periodically miss a week here and there, I didnt expect that wed go this long without any progress. I sure want to get back to work.
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Rabu, 16 Maret 2016

First thing first: 

 ...thank you ? 

I still cannot believe it, 
but this baby blog of mine has already 

? ? ?...500 friends...? ? ?

simply, really, ... wow.

ok, to be honest, Ive been checking that number quite often, 
and I made sure to be prepared for this great 500 milestone...

I promise that in this blog youll continue to see:
*  lots of refashions
*  all you can have DIY
*  easy to follow tutorials
*  think outside the box kinda things
*  more RRR (recycle, reuse, repurpose) 

Is there anything that you would like to see more 
or not to see at all here?

Please tell me. 

Im enjoying blogging a lot, 
and having a special audience makes it worthwhile :)

xox, d. 

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Minggu, 13 Maret 2016

Taping 002
Originally uploaded by OzzyC.
We havent done much the last couple of weeks, because my wife and I went on our honeymoon. Greg did a little work while I was gone, but not a whole lot... mainly a few last-minute things before doing what we did last night... laying tape!

Thats right, we laid tape on the three long seams. Greg said that hed to the transoms today, so we have not only a good physical bond, but a good chemical bond with the epoxy as well.
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This blog about the houseboat isnt my only blog. If youre interested in seeing my other blog, which discusses about everything except this project, go to my other blog.
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Jumat, 11 Maret 2016

laying out the plywood involves a few preliminary measurements so that the hull panels can be transferred from the plans to the wood. Measure very carefully, in this case you will see from the photos that a 4X8 sheet is actually a little bigger.  I like using the imperial/metric tape measure as the plans are in feet-eighths-inches, but the math is easier in centimeters.

From vireo

Start by laying out a 12X12 grid, you will discover the real size of your panel

transfer the lines from the plan to the panel. Work slowly and carefully, measure and remeasure. if it looks wrong, it is!

From vireo

circle the marks clearly where the brads for the bending batten will be placed.
From vireo

1 hour later - this panel was fully laid out and ready to

Get a plywood cutting blade for the circular saw.

From vireo
Posted by Picasa
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Rabu, 09 Maret 2016

Yes its true... Ive been horribly remiss in my postings lately. A small part of this is because weve been taking a slower pace lately, but mainly because theres really nothing to report.

Summer brings about a special set of challenges for our project. Part of the issue is that summertime brings about the opportunity for far more activity. Whether its a chore such as mowing the lawn, a pleasure such as an afternoon drift down the river, or a picnic with the family, theres a lot more to do during the summer. This, of course, means a little less time to work on the boat.

The next challenge is the heat. Were building this boat in a non-air conditioned garage, and during this time of year, the heat is sometimes unbearable. Add in the fact that were wearing tyvek suits, dust masks and safety glasses because were sanding and fairing, and you should completely understand the lack of demonstrable progress on our project. I can only say "still sanding" so many times...

Weve been sanding and fairing for about three months, but it seems like three years. Sanding and fairing is widely considered the most tedious, unrewarding phase of building a boat, and I honestly thought we were mentally prepared for this. I was wrong. In fact, I honestly believe that part of our slowed progress is based on burnout.

That said though, Greg is finally to a point where hes ready to say "good enough." To paraphrase a post from Wooden Boat Sailor, at some point the Law of Diminishing Returns kicks in. In the early stages, the sanding and fairing is essential, otherwise the boat looks and performs like absolute shit. As the process continues, theres a progressively smaller payoff for the same amount of work. Eventually you come to the point where the amount of work exceeds the amount of satisfaction you get from the work you put in. This is the "good enough" stage. Greg and I still have a little more work to do, but hes to the point where he realizes that any more work on the bottom of the hull is excessive. One of the sides is done, which leaves both transoms and the other side. If we haul ass, we should be ready to lay a coat of primer in about four to six weeks. Thank God! Im soooooo ready to be finished with the sanding and fairing.
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Selasa, 08 Maret 2016

Dvd video panduan membuat paper box yang unik- Untuk souvenir atau hadiah

Paper box sangat mudah dalam pembuatanya hanya dengan menggunakan bahan dari kertas yang dilipat anda bisa membuat dengan mudah menggunakan tangan sendiri, membuat paper box dengan ukuran besar ataupun yang  kecil akan sangat menyenangkan baik itu untuk hobi maupun untuk usaha anda.

Kotak kertas biasanya digunakan untuk tempat souvenir, tempat hadiah , kado dan lainya.
dalam paket ini akan banyak di pelajari cara membuat aneka paper box dari yang paling sederhana hingga yang unik, dalam paket ini tidak hanya di pelajari tentang kotak kertas akan tetapi masih banyak yang lainya seperti membuat bunga origami dll.

dvd video Paper box
Isi :

  1. Basic origami forms-How to fold origami masu box
  2. Basic origami forms-Origami fuse box part 1
  3. Basic origami forms-Origami fuse box part 2
  4. Basic origami forms-Origami fuse box part 3
  5. Basic origami forms-Origami masu box
  6. Daily origami- Birthday cake
  7. Daily origami-square box with lid
  8. Daily origami-Square box lid with ornament
  9. Daily origami-Octagon box base
  10. Daily origami- Heptagon box base
  11. Daily origami- Hexagon box base
  12. Daily origami-Chriostmas candy box or cracker
  13. Daily origami-Sweets short cake box (part one)
  14. Daily origami-Sweets short cake box (part two)
  15. Daily origami-Sweets candy shaped box
  16. Flower box modular origami instructions
  17. How to do paper origami- Origami box
  18. How to fold an origami box
  19. How to fold origami-Decorative box
  20. How to make a great paper box
  21. How to make a triangle origami box
  22. How to make an origami box designed by tomoko fuse
  23. How to make an origami box skeleton (modular)
  24. How to make an origami box
  25. How to make an origami-Crane -Lily box lily module
  26. How to make an origami gift box (intermediate)
  27. How to make an origami gift box base
  28. How to make an origami gift box lid
  29. How to make an origami gift box
  30. How to make an origami star box
  31. Japanese traditional origami box
  32. Japanese traditional origami -Camellia 
  33. Japanese traditional origami-Incese box
  34. Lunch box en origami
  35. Magic box rose
  36. Origami box en 90 segundos
  37. Origami box instructions
  38. origami box rectangular box with cover bypaper craftcentral
  39. Origami box turrett
  40. origami box tutorial
  41. Origami box with flaps
  42. Origami box with window
  43. origami box 1
  44. Origami box 2
  45. origami box pen holder (Jo Nakashima)
  46. Origami gift box Divider 
  47. Origami gift box (Robin Glynn)
  48. Origami gift box
  49. Origami globe in a box
  50. Origami heart box (Robin Glynn)
  51. Origami instructions-box and lid (Dave Brill)
  52. Origami instructions-Tringular box (Hans werner guth)
  53. Origami magic rose cube (Valerie vann)
  54. origami octagonal box
  55. Origami pandoras box (Yami yamauchi)
  56. Origami simple box
  57. Origami transforming flower box
  58. Origami trash box 1
  59. Origami trash box 2

Dvd cara membuat paper box dan origami

Harga Rp 75.000.-

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Seni bergerak yang cepat, harmonis dan efisien 

Paket DVD Parkour ini berisi video tutorial belajar Parkour dari yang dasar hingga yang advanced. Dimulai dari pemanasan hingga tehnik tingkat lanjut yang membutuhkan keberanian yang benar-benar ekstra.

Parkour mempunyai arti bergerak atau berpindah tempat dari point A ke point B seefisien dan secepat mungkin yang mengedepankan keindahan dan kedinamisan dalam bergerak sekaligus diimbangi oleh kemampuan dari tubuh manusia itu sendiri.

Parkour tidak hanya berhubungan dengan nyali saja, tapi sangat berhubungan erat dengan pikiran matang, latihan fisik dan dan teknik yang di lakukan secara terus menerus. Gerakan-gerakan yang kita lihat melalui video seperti yang dilakukan David Belle dan anggota Yamakasi merupakan hasil dari sebuah latihan panjang selama bertahun-tahun.

Meski terkesan seperti main-main dan senang-senang, olah raga ini benar-benar membutuhkan konsentrasi tinggi dan kedisiplinan dalam berlatih, sedikit saja melakukan kesalahan maka resiko cidera fatal akan mengancam . Olahraga ini sendiri jika Anda lakukan secara serius dan teratur dapat membentuk tubuh Anda terlihat lebih berotot dan proposional.

Banyak orang awam yang melihat video-video Parkour mulai beranggapan bahwa Parkour adalah olah raga ekstrem dan menggolongkannya dengan olahraga seperti skate board, bmx dan lainnya. Sehingga banyak orang yang nekat melakukan gerakan-gerakan berbahaya yang akhirnya berakibat pada cedera serius.

Sebenarnya Parkour sudah ada sejak dulu sebelum manusia mengenal kata "Parkour" itu sendiri. Tapi Parkour dideskripsikan dan dikenalkan ke seluruh dunia oleh seorang pria berkebangsaan Perancis yang dikenal dengan nama David Belle. Dialah yang telah memperkenalkan olahraga ini ke seluruh dunia yang awalnya hanya berkembang di Perancis. Sehingga akhirnya berkembang ke seluruh daratan Eropa dan akhirnya menyebar ke seluruh dunia.

Parkour sendiri merupakan paduan dari gerakan atletik, bela diri, senam, dan seni, untuk melewati segala macam bentuk rintangan di sekitar dengan hanya menggunakan kekuatan tubuh, bahkan tanpa pelindung. Gerakannya sendiri terkesan asal dan main-main, padahal terdapat teknik khusus untuk meminimalisasi cidera.

Harga Rp 50.000,-

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Tehnik Melukis dan Mempercantik Kuku dengan Gambar dan Pernik cantik

Pada dasarnya, banyak bagian tubuh yang dapat dieksplorasi untuk mempercantik penampilan. Seperti anting untuk telinga, gelang dipasang di tangan, dan leher diberi hiasan kalung. KEINDAHAN dan kebersihan diri merupakan pancaran pribadi seseorang. Tidak heran bila kemudian, banyak kaum hawa yang berlomba-lomba mempercantik semua bagian tubuhnya hingga yang terkecil sekalipun seperti kuku. Salah satu caranya adalah dengan nail art atau nails design. Yakni seni menghias dan mewarnai kuku. Seni ini berasal dari negeri Sakura, Jepang.
Nail art adalah tindakan untuk mempercantik kuku dengan memberi gambar, lukisan atau hiasan. Baik langsung di atas kuku maupun menggunakan kuku plastik yang disesuaikan dengan ukuran kuku customer. Ada empat jenis nail art, yang pertama adalah nail art kuteks, yaitu nail art yang dilukis dengan menggunakan kuteks saja. Kedua nail art stone, yaitu nail art yang dihiasi semacam hiasan yang dihiasi batu-batuan unik. Ketiga adalah nail art sticker, yaitu menggunakan acrilic sebagai acrilic, yaitu menggunakan acrilic sebagai hiasannya. Nail art selain mempercantik kuku, bisa juga untuk menutupi kekurangan sang pemilik kuku. Misalnya yang kukunya buntet bisa terlihat lebih lentik. Dan nail art juga bisa digunakan dalam setiap kesempatan. Misalnya untuk acara wedding, pesta-pesta, ataupun untuk sekadar kegiatan sehari-hari.
Langkah-langkah yang dilakukan untuk melakukan nail art ada beberapa cara. Manual paint adalah melukis langsung di kuku dan merupakan cara yang paling banyak digunakan. Peralatan yang digunakan hanya kuas dan cat kuku. Ada teknik lain selain melukis secara manual, yaitu air brush. Biasanya taknik ini menggunakan mesin kompresor kecil. Tetapi sebaiknya bersihkan terlebih dahulu kutikula kuku atau kulit halus yang ada di pinggiran kuku Anda. Bila ingin motif nail art Anda bisa menggunakan kuku palsu.
Bentuk modifikasi lain adalah crystal dan glitter. Menggunakan kristal sesuai warna dan ukuran mungkin masih tergolong baru. Namun cara ini banyak peminatnya dan penerapannya pun hampir sama dengan penggunaan stiker. Batu kristal yang dipilih biasanya disesuaikan dengan warna cat kuku. Bentuknya pun bermacam-macam seperti bentuk bunga, hati atau dedaunan. Hiasan ini biasanya dipilih untuk kaum perempuan untuk acara-acara khusus seperti upacara pernikahan atau acara penting lainnya.
Panduan tehnik Nail Art kali ini berisi ebook, video tutorial plus dengan sampel gambar nail art yang menarik dan elegan.
Video Tutorial :
Escalating of nails by acryle

Software Tutorial :
Wedding Nail Art software

Ebook :
Nail Art China
Nail Max June 2009
Nail Venus Summer 2009

Harga Rp 75.000,

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