Kamis, 30 Juni 2016

Tammy is able to hammer nails into place (top) after Maurice has drilled preparation holes (bottom).

During the February sessions each group worked on getting the chine logs adhered to their canoes. From their original groups they were broken down into 3 task groups. One group had the task of getting the seats ready, while the other two groups each took one side of the canoe to work on. They had to begin by measuring off equidistant spots as to where the holes would be placed in preparation for the hammering of many nails. During this activity many participants were able to use a power drill for the first time. The kids really felt empowered given the use of this tool. The progress they are making will allow for their canoes to take an actual shape during the March sessions.
Looking forward, the public is always invited to our session at the McNasby Building. Our next building dates are Saturdays March 7th and 14th. Also, if you are downtown the first weekend of May for the Annapolis Maritime Heritage Festival, keep an eye out for the participants painting their canoes as part of the Annapolis Maritime Museum booth.
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After a couple of days of glueing upside down inside the ladder frame.  I read the next step in the directions more carefully.  apparently I have been working upside down for quite a while.  No matter, the result is a very nice boat. 

I took it off the ladder and removed the forms tonight.  I have to say I am please with the results so far. 

Next will be to glass over the points the frames were at and fair and sand the exterior.  I have decided to glass the entire outside with 6 oz cloth.  the boat is incredibly light right now and can stand the couple of pounds this will add.  Most probably will glass the interior with 4 oz on the bottom panels.  and epoxy the sides prior to painting. 

forms removed to access the seams.  The boat is easily lifted with one hand at this point in time.  will glass at least the bottom inside and out for durablility.  My life was once saved by a 6 oz layer of glass on wood so will not omit here. 
Nice lines for rowing.  I cant wait!
A bit of trimming to do on the bow.  But it came out nicely.
Transom ready for tape and layer of cloth.
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Rabu, 29 Juni 2016

Vanessa Hudgens Dresses

Vanessa Anne Hudgens (born December 14, 1988) is an American actress and singer, who is best known for her portrayal of the character Gabriella Montez in the High School Musical series. She also earned critical acclaim for her role in the 2009 film Bandslam.


Vanessa Hudgens Dresses


Vanessa Hudgens Dresses


Vanessa Hudgens Photo shoot


Vanessa Hudgens Dresses


Vanessa Hudgens Dresses


Vanessa Hudgens Photo shoot


Vanessa Hudgens Photo shoot


Vanessa Hudgens Dresses


Vanessa Hudgens Dresses


Vanessa Hudgens Dresses


Vanessa Hudgens Dresses
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Well - progress slowed to a crawl when both my inlaws died 17 days apart this spring.  We are just now getting back to a normal routine around here.  The boat had to be moved from the garage to an outside location to make room for all the stuff from my inlaws apartment. 

Last week, I went had the Massachusetts Enviromental Police come and inspect the boat to ensure that it was indeed a boat, and that it was mine.  He assigned it a serial number that will eventually be part of a builders plate riveted to the hull.  The next step is to take that document with the serial number on it to the division of taxation along with all of my receipts from the build.  Interestingly enough, I had to still pay tax on the materials I purchased online out of state.  A whopping bill of $13.42.  Then, you walk across the hallway to the Division of Recreational vehicles to get your registration number (this is different from the serial number) that allows other people to see what state you are from and identify you from a distance.  The nice woman at the DRV selected MS 2009 DJ as my number.  I ask you, "How cool is that?" 
vanity hull numbers?

Paint is next.
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Selasa, 28 Juni 2016

Boat Frame III
Originally uploaded by OzzyC
I havent forgotten about you or the boat. Its simply that were operating slowly this winter. Were close to flipping the boat, so theres not much to do other than build the cradle for the flip. As you can see from this picture, the cradle is nearly finished. Once the snow melts a bit and the weather warms a little, well flip er and get back to work.
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Senin, 27 Juni 2016

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Flaws in the Epoxy
Originally uploaded by OzzyC.
You may remember from our last couple of entries that we ran out of epoxy. In order to overcome this potentially disasterous problem, we heated the cured epoxy with a heat gun, and applied epoxy to the rest of the boat.

This picture shows that, for the most part, our approach worked incredibly well. However, also shown in the picture, we had a few spots that were completely starved and didnt adhere to the hull at all.

How did we overcome this problem??? Read on and find out.
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Minggu, 26 Juni 2016

Damn, I havent done a post in two months!

Despite my lack of posting though, were still working away on the boat. We work on the boat for a couple of hours once or twice per week, and the drill is pretty constant... throw back a brew or two, smoke a cigar, work for a while, toss back another beer or two and admire the nights handywork... and curse the new flaws that we continually find.

Each new session is progressively shorter than the last one, which I take as a good sign. We are finding fewer flaws each time, and the flaws are continually more minor as time passes. Eventually well need to take out the magnifying glass to find the defects, at which point well know that were satisfied with our craftsmanship or in serious need of psychological help.

Since my last post -- and picture -- weve laid two more coats of the red-pigmented epoxy, found a few more flaws, laid a coat of white-pigmented epoxy, found a few more flaws, worked on the spray rails, and found a few more flaws. Weve been finding and fixing these flaws since Moses was a child. It still amazes me how long weve been working on this project, and how much it DOESNT look like a boat. Yeah, I see the hull, and I can picture the boat, but your average joe on the street couldnt be expected to visualize our finished product.

For a while I was really gung-ho on the boat, and then we got stuck in sanding-and-fairing hell. Weve been stuck in this stage since roughly July -- almost nine months. In retrospect, Greg thinks (and I agree) that we would be much farther along if we didnt make perfectly sharp chines and if we had omitted the spray rail. If it werent for these two minor variations from the plans, we would have undoubtedly have flipped the boat by now. Those two modifications have made for uncounted additional hours of labor and several weeks of burnout.

Eventually though, you work through the burnout and get re-motivated. The main thing is that we continue to make progress, and that we continue to work on the boat. The progress comes in fits and starts, and anyone who builds a boat -- especially on this large scale -- will undoubtedly agree that sanding and fairing is the worst part.

So whats the point of this post? Well, I have a couple of points...

-Were not dead.

-Were still working on the boat.

-Try not to get discouraged by a lack of visible progress.

-If you build a planing hulled boat, dont make perfectly hard chines.

-Spray rails seem to be more work than theyre worth.
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Sabtu, 25 Juni 2016

I went out on the local state park lake last weekend to see if I could raise a trout or two.  This lake prohibits gasoline engines, so I used the 40 lb thrust electric motor.  It was VERY windy, with only two other hardy souls out fishing.  I will state that 40lb is barely adequate, but will move the boat forward in up to 15 kts of wind.  The 30 knot winds could only be approached dead on, with very little forward progress. 

The bottom line, it works but pick your weather.  If you are purchasing and electric motor, go bigger than this.   I hope to get out tomorrow afternoon with the 10 hp. 
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Kids haircut

Pernahkah kita berpikir apabila mencukur rambut anak sendiri akan menambah dekat dengan mereka, dan anak-anak akan merasa nyaman apabila orang tua sendiri atau orang dekat yang mencukur rambut mereka, coba tanyakan pada mereka.
Apabila kita pergi ke tukang cukur atau salon biasanya anak-anak ini akan ada sedikit rasa takut dan bahkan menangis sebelum rambut mereka selesai di potong.
Coba tanyakan pada mereka apakah merasa senang apabila orang tua yang melakukan hal ini, akan jauh lebih mengasyikan apabila orang tua yang mencukur rambut si anak ini.
Manfaat lain dari mencukur rambut anak sendiri adalah kita akan menghemat uang dan tentu saja memperhatikan mereka akan rambutnya jauh lebih bernilai dari sekedar lembaran uang untuk membayar ongkos di salon.
Kalau Anda sibuk dan tidak mempunyai banyak waktu tidak masalah pergi bersama anak-anak kesalon untuk merapikan rambutnya.
Mencukur rambut dan merapikan dengan tangan kita sendiri akan ada perasaan lain yang membuat si anak merasa bangga oleh perhatian Anda.Coba saja ?
Dekatlah dengan anak-anak dan buatlah mereka terkesan dengan sentuhan kasih sayang Anda.

Berikut ini adalah video mencukur rambut untuk anak 

Video :
Home made haircut for boys part 1- Part 3
How to cut your kids hair at home-Childrens haircuts
How to layer boys hair-then spike layers with clippers and frestyle clipper guides
Kids haircut

video bonus
Boys haircut
Buzz cuts for kids

Kids Haircut
Harga Rp 50.000.-
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A short haul to the garage. (Note: the boat is easier to carry than the canoe!) and it is not on saw horses awaiting a nice day to apply and squeegee on epoxy. 

A couple of views.  The lawn mower is now in the spot the snow blower was in previously. 
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Jumat, 24 Juni 2016

By now, were all familiar with using epoxy and plywood for building boats. But have you considered using plywood and epoxy for other jobs around the house? The previous owner of my house installed a tile shower, and used plain plain 2x4s and plywood for this water-catching lip. Over the years, water has gotten in here, and eventually it rotted away the plywood and the wood.

Im not going to the trouble of completely ripping this out and starting from scratch, but I am going to repair it so it stays put until Im ready to completely overhaul this bathroom. Enter the epoxy and plywood...

During the course of the next couple of weeks, I am going to epoxy the remaining wood, in an attempt to prevent any further deterioration. I will cut some scrap plywood to size and lay a protective layer of epoxy over that as well, which will waterproof the entire base. Finally, I will use thickened epoxy to stick the tiles back into place. Why epoxy instead of cement? Because I have the epoxy and plywood available. Id have to go out and buy the cement. The only reason NOT to use wood is because of the rotting factor. By coating it all with epoxy, I have removed the potential for rotting.
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Kamis, 23 Juni 2016

I had kind of a crazy dream last night. In the dream, I went to Gregs house to check on his dogs while he was on vacation. As I walked through the garage, I gazed at the boat -- and was instantly horrified. Greg had gone on some sort of crazy spree; he had sanded off all of the paint, and on the bow he had sanded back down to bare wood. On the sides he had fabricated some sort of space-age shaped add-ons that looked like the fins from a 59 Chevy on steroids. As my eyes adjusted to the horrific site, Greg nonchalantly strolled into the garage (it was a dream, remember) and casually asked me what I thought of the work hed done.

I went ballistic and woke up. Thank God it wasnt real.
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Panduan yoga untuk kesuburan

Yoga adalah bentuk kuno dari olahraga dan relaksasi. Berasal dari India, 
yoga untuk kesuburan sangat populer di Amerika utara dan asia, menggunakan tehnik berbeda dalam rangka untuk membantu meningkatkan otot dan kekuatan. 
yoga digunakan oleh pasangan yang mengalami kesulitan hamil, dan ingin menggunakan metode kesuburan alam dalam rangka untuk meningkatkan kesempatan mereka untuk hamil. 

Yoga Fertility Ada berbagai manfaat kesehatan, baik fisik dan mental, yang berhubungan dengan kesuburan.
Beberapa manfaat fisik yoga untuk kesuburan meliputi:
meningkatkan tonus otot dan kekuatan 
meningkatkan keselarasan tubuh 
membantu memperlancar haid
meningkatkan pernapasan sehingga sirkulasi darah membaik. 

Hal ini sangat penting untuk meningkatkan kesuburan karena sirkulasi darah meningkat memastikan bahwa oksigen yang cukup dan nutrisi mencapai organ reproduksi, sirkulasi darah meningkat juga meningkatkan energi secara keseluruhan dan stamina
Selain itu, yoga dikaitkan dengan berbagai manfaat kesehatan mental, termasuk:
mengurangi kelelahan 
meningkatkan keseimbangan pikiran-tubuh 
meningkatkan sikap positif 
mengurangi masalah kesehatan mental seperti gangguan kecemasan dan mengurangi stres
Mengurangi stres adalah manfaat yang sangat penting dari yoga kesuburan ini.

Studi menemukan bahwa wanita yang berlatih yoga dua kali lebih mungkin untuk hamil dibandingkan rekan-rekan perempuan mereka yang tidak berlatih yoga. 
penelitian telah menunjukkan bahwa yoga mengurangi stres, yang dapat membantu menyeimbangkan hormon dan meningkatkan rasa kontrol satu memiliki lebih dari hidupnya.

Manfaat lain dari yoga adalah bahwa hal itu mendorong komunikasi yang lebih besar dan kesalingterkaitan antara pasangan. Komunikasi ini adalah baik verbal dan non-verbal dan mengarah ke keakraban yang lebih besar

Dvd video tutorial yoga fertility ini dapat membantu kesuburan Anda.
Isi dari paket yoga fertility meliputi :
  1. Fertility yoga with yoga tin 1
  2. Fertility yoga with yoga tin 2
  3. Fertility yoga with yoga tin 3
  4. Fertility yoga with yoga tin 4
  5. Fertility yoga with yoga tin 5
  6. Fertility yoga
  7. News-yoga for fertility
  8. Yoga for fertility with Brenda strong
  9. Yoga for fertility part 1 of 4
  10. Yoga for fertility part 2 of 4
  11. Zen fertility yoga exercise 1 gathering fertile energy
  12. Zen fertility yoga exercise 2 flyng crane spreads wigs
  13. Zen fertility yoga exercise 3 clearing your spine from heavy

Harga Rp 65.000.-

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Selasa, 21 Juni 2016

Ive finally got a picture of the scar.

Click on the picture for a larger photo and some notes.
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Heres the answer from bateau about our epoxy problem.

---Begin Original Text---
If you can get it to wet out, there should not be any problems. The larger white areas are going to be easy, its the spots that have been half way wetted out that will be diffucult to make right - you will have to really work the epoxy into the glass to wet out the dry fibers.
---End Original Text---

They asked for some close-up pics of the area where we had run out of epoxy, (here are links to the pictures 1 2 3 4 5 6 7) they talked among themselves, and the concensus was that we could probably do it, but it would take work.
Note: These pics are very large. Theyll take a minute or so with broadband. If youre using dial-up, make lunch while you wait for the downloads.

Hey, I can handle a little extra work. I was concerned that wed have to cut the cloth, toss out the stuff that wasnt epoxied thoroughly, sand down the transition area, and relay the back section; which would have cost us several extra hours of work and about $50 to $100 in extra fiberglass.

Greg came to the conclusion that we really did have enough epoxy for the job, but we used a grout float instead of a squeegee when we applied the epoxy. After looking at the boat, theres little doubt in my mind that hes right. I agreed with his assessment when I saw how much epoxy had run down the side of the boat. Using a squeegee was easier and faster, but it cost us extra in the long run. Greg had to buy more epoxy than originally anticipated, and its going to cost us a little extra work. I wouldnt disrecommend using a grout float for the big jobs; in fact Id still recommend it. But I would also highly suggest that you double your estimate when you consider how much epoxy youll need for the job. The worst that will happen is that you end up with extra epoxy, which can be used on your next job.

As usual, Ill take more pictures (heck, maybe Ill do a video... were about due for one) and update you on the progress.

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Sabtu, 18 Juni 2016

If youre like me, youre super eager to check out the upcoming China Glaze collections, right?

Check em out at The Daily Nail: Reviews!

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Jumat, 17 Juni 2016

Back To Basics
Originally uploaded by OzzyC.
Building the Nice Canoes was our experiment. We built the canoes first, so we could get an idea of how much work building the GT-23 would be, and to make sure we were up for that kind of work.

Ive had my canoe for about a year and a half, and Ive used it a LOT. She was starting to show her age...

It was time for a new paint job. I sanded down the entire exterior, including the rubrails. This photo shows the paint job. Today or tomorrow Ill do a bit more painting, a little touch-up, and then its into storage.
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Kamis, 16 Juni 2016

Test-Fitting the Hull
Originally uploaded by OzzyC.

When I said that it had been over three weeks since wed accomplished anything on the boat, I wasnt completely accurate. I did go over to Gregs place last weekend, and we did the finishing touches on the frame, and test-fitted the bottom hull pieces. As you see in the photo, the hull pieces are too long. Theyre also a little too wide, and the rear transom is a little too wide, so were going to have to do a little trimming before we can zip-tie the hull and start glassing the boat.

For a closer look at the overlaps Im talking about, you can click here for a close-up of the front transom/hull overlap. This link will give a closer view of the overlap along the sides, and this link will give you a better idea of how far off the rear transom is.

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Selasa, 14 Juni 2016

Boys Trip 2006 041
Originally uploaded by OzzyC.
Though this experiment met with one mishap after another, its one that I wouldnt have missed for the world. Despite the fact that we spent two hours repairing our craft for every hour of sailing (or some semblence thereof) -- kind of like owning an Italian sportscar -- its something Id do again. This trip was a blast... or should I say "gust?"
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Minggu, 12 Juni 2016

will add a photo to this one.  third coat is a charm.  Looks almost glass smooth with no drips or runs.  application was epoxy roller tipped off with a brush.  awesome.  It is HOT today almost 90 F which makes an enormous difference in epoxy application. 

More sanding tomorrow and perhaps install skeg while all is upside down and not painted.

Black fly season.  Not much I can do about it. 
three small air bubbles still coming up from the Okoume.  I know that if I apply as the sun is sinking the epoxy would get drawn in rather than blown out.  Not serious, I have since filled the little crater with fairing compound.

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Sabtu, 11 Juni 2016

I should have brought a camera with me yesterday in Nantucket Sound.  The wind was blowing a good steady 15 kts with a few higher gusts resulting in a 2 chop typical of these waters in late summer.  I am please to report that the 19 Work Skiff handled these conditions with aplomb.  The length of the boat spans the wave sets well resulting in little pounding and a relatively dry ride.  With only myself aboard the boat performed remarkably well with the 10hp two stroke Evinrude.  I would love at some point to try this with a 25.  The boat screams downwind and the bow did not dig into the waves as I had feared.  With another passenger, we probably would need to throttle down.  The boats strength is evident in that there was no flexing observed at all. 

The only downside was that the fishing just was not too good.  A few bites from smaller bluefish, and could not entice any bass to take the bait.  The chop usually has these results as fishing is best in the early morning or early evening.  Not at high noon.  I did find that standing in the boat while fishing in the chop was not a good idea as it would be very easy to get thrown from the craft as the low freeboard that is so good for many things, is just a tad below my hand while standing.  Lifevest and tether at a minimum is in order and I did so.

I would recommend tie downs for the hatches when trailering.  Both covers on the stern threatened to blow away on rt 495 on the way home.  I have some glimmerings of a tie down system working through the finger holes on the top to prevent these from getting lost in transit.  They are fine underway as hull speed wont exceed 15kts with the current motor. 
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