Im pretty sure youre familiar with Jennifer at Hope Studios, right?
I mean.. who doesnt virtually know her?
She came out the other day with her nightstand exposé, and I couldnt resist to play along!
So, I snapped a picture swiped the fluffy dust and then snapped a picture, and here it is!

2 - Tolstoj War and Peace ... Im dragging this brick with me everywhere and Im only at page 470... about 600 more pages to go. I loved Anna Karenina and read it in four days, I thought that this book could be the same. I like it, but ... yawnnnnnnnnnn.
3 & 4 - Yes, these are real plants. Bought it two years ago when we moved into this apartment, 1$ each from Ikea. They are still alive. Sometimes I believe they are plastic, because, cmon Im the queen of the black thumbs!
5 - Wrist braces ... I make things! therefore I have carpal tunnel, in BOTH HANDS. Im one sexy Wonder Woman when Im in bed with my braces!!!
6 - Dr. Scholls foot cream & Burts Bees chapstick. I like smooth heels, (and hands) and I have severe addiction to chapstick. (FYI: I put my feet/hand lotion BEFORE having my wrist braces on! ...Just sayin)
7 - The ugliest alarm clock in history. I dont need an alarm clock, I use my iPhone (not pictured because I used it for taking my picture) but I wake up several times at night and I MUST know the time... just cuz.
8 - Reading glasses. After 40 very much needed. Lets not comment on that.
9 - iPad ... when I get tired of War and Peace (oh, well most often skipping the whole War and Peace part).
10 - Magazines... I only watch the pictures. Its my "old fashion" Pinterest.
youre on now! whats on your nightstand?
xox, d.
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