Selasa, 31 Mei 2016

Last nights session brought another round of sanding and fairing, and a second coat of the copper infused bottom paint. I also remembered to bring the camera, so here are a couple of shots of our progress...

This first shot is taken immediately after laying the second layer of bottom paint, though the picture doesnt quite do it justice. All of the white is a high-build primer. The bottom paint is the red in the back.

Its still shiny because its still wet. Once it dries, it looks pretty much like your run-of-the-mill rust-colored primer. Either way, Im pleased at the progress.

Before we laid the paint, I ran the random orbit sander over the starboard side, the bow and the stern for a final sanding, using 120 grit sandpaper. After laying the paint, Greg and I chatted, and we agreed that we will do no more sanding on these areas until we have placed a coat of paint on these surfaces. He still wants to do some additional touch-ups on the port side, which is fine because I agree that it needs a bit more work.

As I took the pictures of our paint job from the front, Greg asked me to post a shot of the skeg, so here it is. The skeg is constructed from a 2X2 strip of cypress (used for its highly water-resistant properties), with a strip of aluminum screwed into the top, after shaping the wood.

Important: According to Greg, copper and aluminum do not go well together. Apparently, they will cause a lot of corrosion. In order to prevent the aluminum strip from coming in contact with the copper in the paint, Greg was very careful to lay a thick coat of primer between the aluminum strip and the copper-infused paint. Please keep this in mind if you choose to mimic our addition!

Greg suspects that the addition of the skeg may reduce the maximum speed by one mile per hour or so, but he thinks (and I agree) that the increased maneuverability and handling will more than offset the decrease in top speed.

Next week, we plan to lay some white paint, using your standard roll and tip method. We plan to experiment on the bottom area. Since this is an area that few people will ever see, we figured that its the perfect area to work out the kinks in our technique.
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Minggu, 29 Mei 2016

In my last post, Dr. Howdy has (quite rightly) recommended that I give some credit to the designer/architect of this fine boat. Greg purchased the plans from I will work to find out more about the individual who designed this boat and will post as the designer deems fit.
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Dvd tutorial-Crochet step by step
Panduan merenda
Crochet atau merenda adalah kerajinan berusia berabad-abad yang mengambil namanya dari kata croq Perancis, yang berarti mengait. Crochet, hobi yang menyenangkan dan santai, mudah dipelajari. Anda dapat menciptakan busana indah dan proyek kerajinan serta segudang item lain termasuk pakaian  untuk anak-anak.

Crochet  sangat populer di Eropa dan Amerika selama abad ke-19.  merenda muncul sebagai metode yang relatif murah dan sederhana, Hal ini diadopsi oleh wanita yang membuat kain untuk hidup serta oleh perempuan muda dari kelas atas kala itu,merajut sebagai hobi dan bahkan untuk usaha ekspor.
Dijaman sekarang, rajutan digunakan untuk menghasilkan berbagai macam kerajinan. Selain trim renda, serbet, tempat tisu,topi,tas dan  lainya, merenda juga dapat digunakan untuk membuat selimut, selendang, dan banyak pakaian, bahkan bikini dengan menggunakan benang tebal. 
Dengan berbagai macam benang yang ada dipasaran saat ini dapat membantu crocheter berbakat untuk terus berkraesi 

Jika Anda tertarik belajar merenda ada beberapa pilihan, Anda bisa pergi ke tempat 
pelatihan atau kursus yang memiliki crocheter berpengalaman,atau membaca buku tentang merenda?.atau dengan cara yang lebih simpel melalui video panduan.

Video tutorial dapat menjadi cara yang membantu pembelajaran karena Anda dapat menonton orang dalam video lengkap setiap langkah seolah-olah Anda sedang kursus secara pribadi. 
Kemudahan lain dari video tutorial adalah bahwa Anda bisa menyetel,berhenti dan mengulang sesering Anda perlu. dan anda bisa mengatur waktu sendiri kapan memulai belajar

Barikut ini adalah Video tutorial tentang merenda
Pola yang diarahkan dengan petunjuk step by step untuk memulai, termasuk instruksi pada awal jahitan yang mudah untuk di ikuti

Paket Dvd tutorial-Crochet 
Keterangan : Dvd bisa di buka dikomputer dan player
Isi :
  1. Crochet holiday lace ornament
  2. Crochet baby sandals
  3. Crochet bear ogeechee
Harga Rp 75.000.-

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Sabtu, 28 Mei 2016

Heating the Transom II
Originally uploaded by OzzyC.
There were a couple of areas on the rear transom where the glass didnt lay down to our liking. Greg decided to see if heating the epoxy in this area would work. After a few minutes, we discovered that the epoxy got very thin and dripped a lot. This tended to starve the fiberglass, didnt help the fiberglass adhere to the plywood at all, and the epoxy that remained in the fiberglass had dried enough to touch after a mere five additional minutes.

In short, I dont recommend using a heat gun on uncured epoxy. Its a good way to give yourself a second chance on cured epoxy though. In fact, Id call it a sheer stroke of genius on Gregs part.
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Kamis, 26 Mei 2016

Slingshot-dvd Panduan membuat ketapel 

Ketapel adalah alat untuk melempar batu kecil, berbentuk menyerupai huruf Y yang di pegang ditangan.
Kekuatan ketapel tergantung dari bahan karet di kedua sisinya,
Ketapel biasanya dimainkan oleh seorang laki-laki muda dan juga dewasa, jika dipegang oleh tangan yang terampil senjata ini mampu melempar sebuah batu hingga jarak yang cukup jauh, selain untuk mainan ketapel ini mampu digunakan untuk berburu binatang kecil seperti kelinci, ayam hutan, dan burung.
Senjata kecil seperti huruf Y ini juga mampu menembakan panah untuk berburu,dan bahkan ketapel ini untuk perlengkapan di saat berburu 
Disisi lain ketapel merupakan senjata sederhana untuk sebagian orang, saat ini sangat jarang kita temukan sebuah ketapel di pasaran, anggapan orang ketapel adalah mainan kuno seperti yoyo.

Untuk teman-teman yang ingin membuat ketapel dari yang sederhana hingga hingga ketapel yang unik dan lebih modern berikut adalah panduan membuat ketapel sendiri.
selain menunjukan dalam pembuatan ketapel dalam dvd ini juga akan di terangkan trik cara memainkan sehingga mampu menjatuhkan target.
Berikut daftar isi dari paket ini, paket berbentuk video step by step membuat ketapel.

Video :
  • Homemade slingshot bands

  • How to make a powerfull catapult slingshot

  • How to make a fantastic wooden slingshot

  • How to make a slingshot

  • How to make the fastest slingshot bands extreme

  • How to making bands for chinastyle slingshots

  • How to use a slingshot for hunting and target

  • Make your own ranger bands

  • Original ergo slingshot DIY part 1-part 6

  • Original ergo slingshot DIY part 7-making bands set and pouch

  • Slingshot bands and ammo lanyard

  • Slingshot conical flatbands fast cut

  • Slingshot speedloading and anti handslap trick

  • The ranger tactical practical slingshot-catapult shooting 

  • DIY-slingshot-how to make bands out of office rubbers

Harga paket slingshot
Rp 50.000.-

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Day 2 of the water tests proved well worth it.  The row locks as placed are actually 12.5" aft of the rear edge of the rowing seat.  since the seat is 10" wide, it is not issue to just ooch back a little and really pull.  I got the boat up to 4.5kts with some pulling such as stated.  Average speed was around 3 kts with very little (ok lazy) effort.  rowed 2.5 miles in an hour and half with some rod action for largemouth and trout thrown in for good measure.  I figured as long as I was out there, I might as well look for a fish or two. 

The rear seat was exactly 29.5" (my inseam) behind the rowing seat, but proved way too uncomfortable to sit in as situation as it needs to be further forward for comfort.  I removed the cleats I glued in with Titebond II and will glue in some foot braces to do the job as the seat can then be moved forward.  With a passenger aboard the rowing would be done from the forward station.  I just ordered another pair of top mount row locks for the forward rowing station so that I can take a passenger with me. 

Will paint with alkyd enamel this week.  People were looking at me as if I were nuts being out in the lake in an unfinished boat.  Truth is the epoxied hull is sound as is but needs UV protection. 

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Selasa, 24 Mei 2016

Wooden Boat Building – What you should find out before you start

Wooden Boat Building is easy if you know how, have the right place to build your dream boat in, a supportive group of family and friends, enough money to carry on the project without straining the family budget, and you have selected a project within your capabilities. That is, it is easy if you have a decent idea of what you want to use the boat for when you have finished, know where you are going to store it when you are not using it, have decide how you are going to transport it, have decided on what type of boat you are going to build.
Of course you also want to know where you are going to get the plans for the boat, what tools you are going to use, how many hours it will take to build, what you are going to paint it with in order to protect it from the elements and that is before we get down to the details of the actual construction.
Confused, Disheartened, unsure of yourself, well join many thousands of well meaning people like yourself who set out on the great wooden boat building adventure, just as confused as you are.

Some give up before they start, some begin projects they never complete, some begin projects that they complete but wished they had never started.

However many begin and complete projects on time, within budget and without too many hassles. They go on to be boat owners and enjoy thoroughly the fruits of their labour.
Some, a lucky few have so much fun get so much satisfaction out of seeing the beautiful wooden boat take shape beneath their own hands that they fall in love with wooden Boat Building and go on to build not one boat but many.

Which category will you fall into depends very greatly on some decisions you have to make now before the project begins.

I will list out the 10 questions I think are the most important questions you need to answer.

1. Why do you want to Build Your Own Boat?
Make a list of at least 5 reasons, examine them carefully- be truthful. It may be better to hire or charter a boat instead.

2. Do you have the support of family and friends and neighbours in this venture?
You may not need physical help but you certainly need moral support

3. What do you want to use the boat for when you have finished building?
This will determine both type and size of the boat- are you a fisherman, a sailor, a powerboat enthusiast

4. Do you have a place you can build the boat?
Don’t laugh, the place must be suitable for the boat you are going to build – there have been stories of people needing large cranes to lift their boat over the roof of the house; at great expense; because someone didn’t check that the boat would fit down the drive.

5. How much experience do you have, what is your actual skill set, can you brush up on what you don’t know?
There are many institutions that provide wood craft classes if not actual boat building classes. The finish of the boat will depend on the skill level you can develop.

6. How much money can I commit to the project?
Think about it, if you have to downsize your dreams better to do it now. Finished boats sell readily and for good prices, unfinished boats break your heart and don’t sell for much.

7. How much time can you commit to the venture?
Estimates for how long a certain boat design will take to build are available from any place that sells plans. Add a bit for your inexperience and make sure you can commit the time. Be honest, no use starting a project in the fall with the dream of some summer fishing and just end up spending the summer break locked in the shop still sanding down and finishing the boat so you can get you wife’s car in the garage before next winter.

Having come this far thelast Questions are serious.

8. What Type of boat are you going to build?
You have the desire, the support, an idea of what you want to do with the finished boat, a place to build, and knowledge of what you are capable of, a budget in both money and time.
Now is the time to decide on a type of boat.

9. What building method are you going to use?
Come on! By now you have haunted the library, pestered friends, bought magazines, been to the local yacht club, and hung around the local boat ramp. You need to decide on a build type.
If you have no idea about build types then - STOP NOW - Go wash your hands and take up another project.

10. Where are you going to get the plans?
Do Not! Repeat Do Not even think you can build a boat without a decent set of plans.
Never start a Wooden Boat Building Project without well drawn plans. Disaster lies in that direction.

Ok ! that should give you something to think about, I’m off to sharpen the old adze and prepare for the comments ?

Wooden Boat Building can be a highly rewarding, satisfying and even profitable undertaking and yes you can build your own boat, but make sure you think before you begin.
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Minggu, 22 Mei 2016

Here are the oars after sanding one.  You can see how worn out the oars had become. 
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Just a little chipping at the transom where the motor clamps on.  Will touch up with sealer and paint in the spring.
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Jumat, 20 Mei 2016

As I mentioned in my last post, Greg asked a couple of questions about planing a swath along the seams, so the fiberglass lays flush to the hull after laying the fiberglass, as opposed to building up the layers of fiberglass, then fairing... thus saving us some sanding. Bateau recommended that we not do this. Here are a couple of other links that discuss the recommended methods of taping and sanding the seams...

Stitch and glue basic tutorial
Outside fiberglassing
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Im pretty sure youre familiar with Jennifer at Hope Studios, right?
I mean.. who doesnt virtually know her?

She came out the other day with her nightstand exposé, and I couldnt resist to play along!

So, I snapped a picture swiped the fluffy dust and then snapped a picture, and here it is!

1 - Light (Ikea, btw)

2 - Tolstoj  War and Peace ... Im dragging this brick with me everywhere and Im only at page 470... about 600 more pages to go. I loved Anna Karenina and read it in four days, I thought that this book could be the same. I like it, but ... yawnnnnnnnnnn.

3 & 4 - Yes, these are real plants. Bought it two years ago when we moved into this apartment, 1$ each from Ikea. They are still alive. Sometimes I believe they are plastic, because, cmon Im the queen of the black thumbs!

5 - Wrist braces ... I make things! therefore I have carpal tunnel, in BOTH HANDS. Im one sexy Wonder Woman when Im in bed with my braces!!!

6 - Dr. Scholls foot cream & Burts Bees chapstick. I like smooth heels, (and hands) and I have severe addiction to chapstick. (FYI: I put my feet/hand lotion BEFORE having my wrist braces on! ...Just sayin)

7 - The ugliest alarm clock in history. I dont need an alarm clock, I use my iPhone (not pictured because I used it for taking my picture) but I wake up several times at night and I MUST know the time... just cuz.

8 - Reading glasses. After 40 very much needed. Lets not comment on that.

9 - iPad ... when I get tired of War and Peace (oh, well most often skipping the whole War and Peace part).

10 - Magazines... I only watch the pictures. Its my "old fashion" Pinterest.

youre on now! whats on your nightstand?

Thanks Jen! Im linking to your party!!

xox, d.
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Kamis, 19 Mei 2016

Front Transom Epoxy Gap
Originally uploaded by OzzyC.
... work on his boat.

This week we did a final laying of thickened epoxy, in preparation for taping the seams.

In this photo, you will see a small gap between the transom and the hull, and a screw hole.
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Rabu, 18 Mei 2016

Membuat roket air sendiri

Roket Air merupakan salah satu wujud dan media untuk mengasah serta menyalurkan kreatifitas siapapun yang ingin membuatnya. Melalui media roket air bisa dipelajari banyak hukum dan pelajaran sains lainnya. Namun jika siapapun yang ingin mengembangkan roket air, maka banyak metode dan desain roket air yang bisa dibuat dengan memberikan kesempatan yang seluas-luasnya kepada kreatifitas.

Roket air adalah sejenis roket model yang menggunakan air sebagai tenaga. Wahana tekan yang berfungsi sebagai mesin roket biasanya terbuat dari botol plastik bekas minuman ringan. Air dipaksa keluar oleh udara yang bertekanan, biasanya udara yang telah terkompresi.
Roket air juga sangat populer di sekolah percobaan sains.
Roket air relatif aman dan biaya pembuatannya juga tidak mahal
Berikut adalah dvd panduan membuat roket air sendiri
Isi paket :
  1. 2 stage cluster water rocket to 810 (246)

  2. 2 stage water rocket

  3. acceleron V water rocket components

  4. Build a rocket launcher-prop build

  5. Build an overhead water rocket louncher part 1 introduction

  6. Build an overhead water rocket launcher part 2 materials

  7. Build an overhead water rocket launcher part 3 valve pipe

  8. Build an overhead water rocket launcher part 4 seal bump

  9. Build an overhead water rocket launcher part 5 trigger

  10. Build an overhead water rocket launcher part 6 safety spring

  11. Build an overhead water rocket launcher part 7 launch

  12. Homemade rocket launcher (best ever)

  13. How to fold a model rocket parachute

  14. How to make a painball rocket launcher

  15. How to make a water bottle rocket 1

  16. How to make a water bottle rocket 2

  17. Making a parachute water rocket part 1-part 6

  18. Overhead water rocket launcher part 1- part 2

  19. Re bottle rocket launcher kit

  20. Water bottle rocket-How to make it

  21. Water rocket construction-Suplicing tutorial

Video Bonus
  1. Water rocket 1

  2. Water rocket in-Line parachute deployment mechanism

  3. Water rocket launcher details

  4. Water rocket launcher tutorial

  5. Water rocket launcher tutorial

  6. Water rocket launcher

  7. Water rocket

  1. 2010 water rocket AJP

  2. Water rocket construction

  3. analysis of a water propelled rocket

  4. Bottle rocket handbook

  5. Bottle rocket launcher

  6. Effect on fins on water rocket stability

  7. How to make soda bottle rocket

  8. Hydrodyna mics of a water rocket

  9. Nielsen rocket

  10. Rocket

  11. Rocket theory

  12. Soda bottle rockets

  13. Water rocket structure

  14. Water rocket INTAD

  15. Water rocket LAB

  16. Water rocket booklet print

Harga paket dvd panduan membuat  roket air
Rp 75.000.-

Panduan lain membuat roket canggih klik disini

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Selasa, 17 Mei 2016

Yes, I know that my last post was months ago. Unfortunately, Greg hasnt gotten his house in order, so theres nothing to report. Sorry. Maybe I should come up with a "Best of" post.
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Minggu, 15 Mei 2016

Its All About Friendship
Originally uploaded by OzzyC.
As I mentioned in last weeks post, we took the week off so we could attend our annual guys week vacation. Click here to view the pictures. You can also see a short video of Dave surfing Gilmores Mistake on the Wolf River, or a video of kids rafting the Wolf River.
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Sabtu, 14 Mei 2016

Shower Repair 7
Originally uploaded by OzzyC.
In this photo, you see that Ive done part of the bottom, or side, section. I was fortunate that this section came off in one large sheet, so I didnt have to re-lay individual tiles. The hardest part of re-laying the tiles comes next. Wish me luck.

By the way, if youre interested, you can also see my other home improvement project on my other blog. I figured that it was more appropriate to post this project here, since it so heavily utilizes plywood and epoxy.
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Jumat, 13 Mei 2016

When I opened the package from Wholeport and saw the vivid pink rose lace trim (They sent it to me for free, as a part of the Create-a-thon in the Creativity Expo) ... I was in awe!
the trim is beautiful, delicate and not too baby pink, which was what I was a bit scared of! ;)

I tried the rosette trim on few things, add the trim on a collar of a silk jacket (loved it, but the color was a bit off), then as an embellishment on a t-shirt (but hey, I have too many t-shirts and I was thinking that this trim was getting "wasted") so....

I started to think, and powder pink rosettes 
leaded to bows, leaded to...
evening clutch

 Who is the Master-of-the-Universe 
when we are talking rosettes and bows?

... The Last Emperor... A.K.A. Mr. Valentino!
Thats where all started ;)

... but first, please go and click the "like button on the Facebook contest... just follow this link of the Creativity Expo and like... easy as that!

--> Supplies:

- some upholstery satin fabric scraps  (ok... can you believe that it is EXACTLY the same color of the trim? Im kidding you not, for some reason in the picture the satin looks lighter, but in real life is a perfect match - btw... note to self: how about learn some picture tricks??)
- one of the many zipped pouches that my husband carried home from an overseas trip - this one is very cool, its from United Airlines and its a metal mesh, very sturdy... and the perfect size.
- last, but not least... the beautiful rosette trim

... Detailed tutorial is on its way, Im still editing the pictures and writing... bare with me, it will be posted tomorrow morning! ;)

Hope you like this clutch, even if the total cost was exactly 0 $... kinda look fancy, uh?

xox, d.

will *<:) party here!
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Kamis, 12 Mei 2016

Nail Art Galleries 8 | Nail Art Galleries

Nail Art Galleries

Nail Art Galleries 8

Nail Art Galleries 8

Nail Art Galleries, Nail Art Design, Nail Art PictureNail Art Galleries : Random Lines- This look may be the easiest to achieve because of its abstract nature. To do, apply one coat of colored nail polish to your nails. My suggestion is red. If you are giving yourself a pedicure, you only have to apply the nail design to each of your big toes. Nail Art brushes that you find at any beauty store are the easiest to use when doing nail designs, but if you do not have one, regular nail polish will do. You can also use a toothpick. Take black nail polish and make thin, random strokes that start at the base of your nail and shoot up from there. It is important to have very little nail polish on the brush so that you do not end up with globs on your nail. It is also important that your lines are thin. Your lines can start from the same point each time or you can have the lines come from different places. Two-three black lines per nail should do it. Apply a coat of clear nail polish and you are done!
Nail Art Galleries, Nail Art Design, Nail Art PictureNail Art Galleries : Flowers- Flowers are a good starting point because if you are a beginner, your accidents can easily be made into flowers. To start, choose what color you want the middle of your flower to be. Yellow and white are popular colors. Then, place a dab of nail polish on your nail. Choose a nail color for the actual flower and make several dabs around the first dab you made. You have now created a flower. Do this with each nail. Creating flowers to the side of the nail look more professional. You do have one more option. Using a toothpick or a thin Nail Art brush, fill in a circle for the center of the flower. Then draw small circles or ovals around it to create a flower. You do not have to fill in the circles with nail color. You can simply draw a center and have a bunch of small lines emanating from a central point. With this method, you only have to use one color, instead of two, to create your flowers. It is your preference.
Nail Art Galleries, Nail Art Design, Nail Art PictureNail Art Galleries : French Manicure or Pedicure- The French manicure is relatively simple, but following the natural curve of the nail is challenging. First, apply a coat of clear nail polish to each nail. Then take white nail color and apply it to only the tips of your nails. Some people like to use Nail Art brushes-those nail polishes in a skinny bottle that come with a skinny brush. It is easier to form a curve with these brushes, but they are not necessary. You can sweep the white nail color across each nail from left to right. The other option is to apply the white nail polish just like you were applying nail polish to the entire nail. In other words, apply the nail color the long way but only do the tips. Either way works, and there are now French manicure pens available to make the process even easier. Dont give up. Do all of your nails and you will be surprised at how well they turn out. They may not be perfect, but most people will be looking at them from a distance. For a pedicure, you can get away with only having nail designs on your big toe. For hands, you can cover any mistakes by purchasing a Nail Art brush in silver. Run the silver polish along the curve where the clear nail polish meets the white nail polish. This will form a silver line that will hide your mistakes and add an air of sophistication as well. Apply one more coat of clear nail color and youre done.
Nail Art Galleries, Nail Art Design, Nail Art PictureNail Art Galleries : Watermelon Surprise- This nail design may look difficult, but remember that it is only a compilation of basic shapes. Apply pink nail color to all of your nails. Polish the tips of your nails with an off white or pearl color. Using a Nail Art brush or toothpick, trace the other edge of your nail with dark green nail color. You should now have a thin, green line along the outside of your nail. Add 4 black dots to each corner of the nail and one black dot in the middle and you are finished.
Nail Art Galleries, Nail Art Design, Nail Art PictureNail Art Galleries : Gel nails have become a hit with todays woman as these are a wonderful way to express ones persona by the fun wear on the nails. These nail gels usually come in two forms - without light and light cured gels. These are created by a pre chemical gel liquid mix that has to be applied on the nails. After the application, the nails have to be kept under the UV lamp to cure the nails.
Nail Art Galleries, Nail Art Design, Nail Art PictureNail Art Galleries : The non UV gels do not need any UV light for the cure as there is an additional chemical activator in the form of gel that can be strayed on the nails. These gel nails are similar to the acrylic nails as one can wear French tips, paint them or airbrush them with style. These nails like other nails can be worn according to ones convenience and mood. You can file these nails in the shape you wish - pearl, round or square and these look absolutely like natural nails. The flexible and thin glossy appearance makes them a big hit among trendy women.
Nail Art Galleries, Nail Art Design, Nail Art PictureNail Art Galleries : These gel nails enhance the look of the nails by giving them a sophisticated and natural look. They come in many forms to get the perfect look for any kind of occasion. You can choose from pastel nail gels, summer nail gels, metallic nail gels, multicolored and many other nail gels for different occasions. These can be made to look even more attractive with the Nail Art on it. There are a lot of ways by which you can highlight and beautify your nails. Beautiful Nail Art designs can be made on the nails by adding glitters to the nail paint which can really jazz up the nails. You can also use Nail Art accessories like 3D nail stickers, rhinestones, acrylic stones, ceramic flowers and crushed shells for the glam look.
Nail Art Galleries, Nail Art Design, Nail Art PictureNail Art Galleries : The simple pleasures in life make such a big difference. Today, one of these simple pleasures for women is in using decorate Nail Art to enhance the look of their nails. For some women, the simple French manicure is no longer enough and they want something that makes their nails truly unique. Nail technicians today must incorporate this specialty into their array of talents if they are going to be successful.
Nail Art Galleries, Nail Art Design, Nail Art PictureNail Art Galleries : Nail Art has become a true art form. When the idea of decorative nail work first became popular, some of the designs were rather simple in nature. That has changed dramatically over the years, as customers demanded more for their money the nail technicians were more than happy to oblige. When this became popular with recording artists and actresses, the public demand for it really shot through the roof.
Nail Art Galleries, Nail Art Design, Nail Art PictureNail Art Galleries : In addition to different designs, technicians will often enhance their designs with things like glitter. This has become very popular in that it adds an accent to an already incredible design. It is also a great way to add multiple colors to the Nail Art without the risk of running colors into each other. In most cases, the costs for adding this enhancement are minimal, so it may be something to explore for that special event.
Nail Art Galleries, Nail Art Design, Nail Art PictureNail Art Galleries : Nail Art has come quite a ways since its beginnings and todays artists can put just about anything on a nail that a customer wants. Beauty schools have added advanced instruction in this area to ensure that the latest wave of graduates is more talented than ever. When you want something truly special for your nails, ask your technician about decorative Nail Art.
Nail Art Galleries, Nail Art Design, Nail Art PictureNail Art Galleries : Many get bewildered when they hear the term stamping Nail Art. However, it is actually a very simple thing. It is a technique by which different types of designs are stamped on the nail with different types of accessories. It comes as a kit or a set with various stamping devices and different colors of nail polish. The process is very simple and can be done without any professional help. Even children can paint their nails without any proficiency.
Nail Art Galleries, Nail Art Design, Nail Art PictureNail Art Galleries : You can also decorate your Nail Art designs with other nail accessories to make it look more ostentatious. Gems and Rhinestones can be used to bring that extra sparkling effect to the nails. You can glue colored stones on the nails or gems with butterfly wings. You can apply another clear coat over the gems to help it to be in place.
Nail Art Galleries, Nail Art Design, Nail Art PictureNail Art Galleries : Nail Art designs have become a cult in the fashion industry and 3D nail stickers are an important part of accessorizing ones nails. Now getting dressed is not just limited to wearing makeup, good clothes and shoes. Fashion is all about adding a bit of zing and Nail Art is the perfect accompaniment. 3D nail stickers have become a craze among the youngsters as well as women who are conscious about their looks. Since it saves time and is easy to apply, these eye-catching 3D nail stickers are the quickest way to transform your nails into something absolutely spectacular and gorgeous.
Nail Art Galleries, Nail Art Design, Nail Art PictureNail Art Galleries : A variety of Nail Art designs are easily available that are rich in variation, color and styles offering a gamut of popular prints such as animals, fruits, polkas, flowers, abstracts, etc. If you are looking for a really elegant look for an evening of fine dining or an important social do, then you can even splurge on expensive but impressive nail stickers studded with Swarovski crystals. To truly create a presence anywhere you go, you must have this as part of your fashion wardrobe. They are exquisite, graceful and will surely make your nails look stunning and unique.
Nail Art Galleries, Nail Art Design, Nail Art PictureNail Art Galleries : The Nail Art industry practically witnesses a new fashion fad each day and therefore it doesnt come as a surprise that all kinds of unique and interesting Nail Art decorations are in vogue as soon as they are introduced. While those who are lucky to possess beautiful nails can show them off while those who are not so lucky can still flaunt their nails by either choosing to add a gleaming touch to their existent natural nails or wearing artificial nails through UV Nail Gels. While the traditional UV Nail Gels cannot be easily removed, the soak off UV nail gel as the name suggests is removable that can literally be soaked off. This soak off gel is a great alternative, if you would like to add a glossy sheen to your natural or artificial nails and they give a proper French picture perfect polish look. This gel even lasts much longer than the traditional nail paints, since a coating of soak off UV nail gel can actually contribute towards enhancing as well as strengthening your nails. This means, your nails face less risk of getting chipped, scrapped or peeled.Post Title ? Nail Art Galleries 8
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